Privacy Policy

New Quartz Crisis and its affiliates companies (hereinafter referred to as “NQC” "we", "us") are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Therefore, we have formulated the Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transmit and store your personal information when you use our website, mobile apps or services. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding the privacy of our customers before you use our products (or services) or submit your personal information.

This policy is intended to help you understand the following:

  • I. Definitions

  • II. How We Use Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

  • III. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

  • IV. How We Retain Your Personal Information

  • V. How Your Personal Information May Be Disclosed

  • VI. How We Protect Your Personal Information

  • VII. Your Rights to Your Personal Information

  • VIII. How We Handle Personal Information of Children

  • IX. Third-Party Service Providers and Their Services

  • X. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Globally

  • XI. How This Privacy Policy Is Updated

I. Definitions

"Affiliated Company" refers to a company related to NQC by common ownership or control. "Third Party" refers to a company or person that is not associated with NQC by common ownership or control, in other words, an unrelated company or individual. The third party can be a financial or non-financial company, or any person other than you and NQC. "Personal Information" refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

II How We Use Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

1. What are cookies:

Cookies are small files that our websites, apps, or services transfer to and store on your device. The NQC websites, online services, interactive apps, emails and advertisements may use cookies and other similar technologies, such as pixel tags and web beacons. Cookies may be stored on your computer for a short period of time (such as only when your browser is open) or for a long period of time, even years. We cannot access cookies that are not set by us.

2. The cookies we use:

  • NQC and its partners use cookies or similar tracking technologies to better understand the use of mobile software on your device, how often you use the app, what events occur within the app, cumulative usage, performance data, and from where the app was downloaded. We will not link the information stored in the analysis software to any personal information you submit in the mobile app.

  • NQC and its partners use cookies or similar tracking technologies to analyze trends, manage websites, track user behaviors on the websites, and collect aggregate demographic information for our user base.

  • Many web browsers have a "Do Not Track" feature. This feature may send a "Do Not Track" request to the website. If your browser has the "Do Not Track" feature enabled, all of our websites will respect your choice.

  • Like most sites, we automatically collect certain information to analyze cumulative trends and manage our sites. This information may include the Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), reference/exit page, files you view on our site (such as HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, date/time stamps, and/or click-stream data.

  • We work with third parties to display advertisements on our websites or to manage our advertisements on other websites. Our third-party partners may use cookies or similar tracking technologies to provide advertisements to you based on your browsing activities and interests. If you want to opt out of receiving interest-based advertising, you can "Clear/Disable Cookie" (as described below) to manage the cookies and your cookie preferences. Please note that you will continue to receive general advertising that does not target any specific person when you visit the above websites.

3. Clear/disable cookies

4. More informations about cookies

For more information about cookies and instructions on how to configure your browser to accept, delete or disable cookies, see

III. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

NQC collects information in order to improve operational efficiency and provide you with the best product experience. Our channels for collecting personal information include: (1) you submit information to us directly; (2) we record certain data about how you interact with our products; and/or (3) we obtain certain data about you from third parties.

The information we collect depends on the environment in which you interact with NQC and the choices you make, including your privacy settings and the products and features you use. It is worth noting that we usually treat the shipping destination recorded on the mobile phone package box as the device's actual location and comply with the relevant local laws and regulations, including those for data protection.

  • Personal information that we collect

1. Information that you submit to us directly

The services we offer to you will require you to submit information to us directly.

  • If you buy products, apply for a return or refund, or use paid services from us, we may collect details about the delivery, your bank account and credit card details, billing address, credit verification, and other financial information, as well as your contact and communication records, in order to process your order. You may not be able to buy products, apply for return or refund or use paid services from us if you do not provide such information.

  • Some of our services allow you to communicate and share content with other people. As required by the technology adopted in these services, such communications and shared content may be transmitted through our system and be stored in the system.

  • Face Recognition and Fingerprint Unlock allow you to quickly unlock your device using pre-recorded facial or fingerprint information. To this end, you will need to provide information about your facial features from different angles or your fingerprints.

  • When you use voice command control service or other voice services, we record your voice and may store it on our servers.

  • At other times, we may ask you to provide your personal information and collect your personal information. Such times include when you participate in lotteries or competitions, participate in promotional or marketing activities organized by us or business partners, fill out questionnaires, participate in user forums or blogs sponsored by us or business partners.

2. Information on service use

In addition to the information you provide, we may also use the software in your device and other means to collect relevant information on how you use our services.
For example, we may collect:

  • Device Information - Such as device name, model, region and language settings, device identification code (IMEI number, etc.), device hardware information and status, use habits, IP address, Mac address, operating system version, and the configuration of the device used to access the services.

  • Log Information - Such as the time at which service is utilized and duration of use, search words that have been entered using the services, and information about device and software events (such as reboot, upgrade, error, and crash). The Android system is designed in such a way that your error or crash events will include the overall information when the events occur. Such information will only be used for error log analysis, but not for individual identification or any other purposes. We also clear the logs we collect on a regular basis.

  • Location Information - Such as GPS signals of devices or information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and mobile signal towers, device location ID, network service provider ID. We will ask you what location-based apps you want to enable. You can modify the location settings of your device from the device settings, such as by changing or disabling the methods and servers used by location-based services, or modifying the accuracy of location information, to change the location information provided to NQC.

  • Album Information - Such as, to provide you with the function to display photo locations as well as to classify your photos and videos, we need to collect the latitude and longitude information of your photo and video files; when you search for certain photos, we will collect the terms you entered and the number of photos identified locally.

  • Camera - To ensure that the camera app works normally, we collect the operational data (e.g., how many times you use the app), information about your device, parameter information about the photos taken (like photosensitivity and number of faces captured), and the information of available space left in your phone.

  • Other information related to your service use, such as the application version, the websites you have visited, and how you interact with the content provided by the services.

Do note that we may work with third-party service providers to implement the service functions mentioned above. For example, we may engage a third-party service provider to provide speech-to-text conversion services. Hence, the provider may receive and store certain personal information. Such third parties will not use this information for any other purpose.

3. Information obtained from third parties

Where permissible by law, we may obtain your data from public or commercial sources and may combine that information with other information received or related to you. If you choose to sign in and use our services via a third-party account (QQ, WeChat, Alipay, Weibo, Facebook, etc.), we may obtain your information, such as your username and avatar, from these third-party services.

  • How we use your personal information

We may process your personal information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy with your consent, to perform our obligations to you under our user agreement and/or service contract, for compliance with a legal obligation to which NQC is subject or when we have assessed that it is necessary for the protection of the legitimate interests pursued by NQC or a third party. NQC will strictly abide by the contents of this Privacy Policy and its updates in using your personal information. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes determined at the time of collection and approved by you. If there is any use other than these, we will obtain your consent in advance. Examples of related usages are as follows:

  • Processing Orders:

We will use data to process orders and the related after-sales services, including customer support, order distribution, and printing of invoices.

  • Provide Notification and Push Services:

We may use your data to provide you with push or notification services of third-party contents, including Lock Screen Magazine, Quick App, operating system or application update and installation, sales, and promotion information.

  • Provide Location-Based Services:

We or third parties will use location information to provide you with more targeted services to offer the best possible user experience, such as weather information, geographically targeted message push service, automatic time synchronization function.

  • Improve Products and User Experience:

We will use mobile numbers obtained through offline sales channels, electronic orders, and account registration for user surveys and follow-up visits. We use information about errors or crash events to conduct error log analysis. After you join the User Experience Program, we will collect information about your device, operational behavior, location, log, and more for statistical analysis in order to improve the user experience and performance of the product.

  • Customer Support:

We use data to troubleshoot product problems, repair customers' devices, and provide other customer care and support services. The unique identification code of your mobile device may be used to activate your warranty service and particular software license. We may also collect your email address to respond to the questions or comments that you post in the "Contact Us" section of our website.

  • Analysis, Audit, and Prevention of Fraud:

We may use the data you provide to verify your identity, analyze business efficiency, review transactions, and prevent fraud. We only use statistical data. The use of such data will not be associated with you personally.

  • Commercial Promotion Activities:

If you participate in lucky draws, competitions or similar promotion activities organized by NQC, we will use the personal information that you provide for the management of such activities.

  • Provision of Other NQC Services:

When you use certain NQC services, we may use your data to perform the functions of the aforesaid services. We will seek your prior approval before we proceed if we want to use the information for other purposes that have not been explicitly stated in our policy. We will seek your prior approval before we proceed if we want to use information collected for a specific purpose beyond the original intended purpose. Without the consent of the users, we will not provide their personal information and behavior data to any third party for their use.

  • How We Retain Your Personal Information:

Our retention period of personal information we collected is the minimum amount of time required to achieve the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Statement of specific services unless a longer retention period is required by law. We will delete or anonymize your personal information upon the expiry of the retention period as described above.

  • How Your Personal Information May Be Disclosed:

NQC may share some personal information with its affiliated companies and strategic partners that work with us to provide products and services from time to time, in order to provide the products or services as per your request. Your personal information will not be shared with third parties for their marketing or commercial purposes.

  • Affiliated Companies:

Your personal information may be shared with NQC's affiliated companies. We will only share the personal information necessary for and subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If an affiliated company intends to process your personal information for a different purpose than what is stated herein, it shall ask for your consent again.

  • Sharing With Authorized Partners:

To realize the purposes stated in this Policy, some of our services will be provided by our authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with our partners in order to provide you with better customer care and user experience. Our authorized partners include but are not limited to, carriers, NQC regional agents, logistics companies, cloud service providers, and technical service providers. For example, when you use the security center app, services of third-party service providers are used to scan viruses, and clear space on your phone. When analyzing your error log, we may need to provide your log information to third-party service providers or professional technical service providers of the related applications.

When we are in a process of merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation, and if such process involves a transfer of your personal information, we will require the new company or organization that shall hold your personal information to continue to be bound by the restrictions stated in this Privacy Policy, otherwise, we will require this company or organization to ask your permission and consent again. We will only share your personal information for purposes that are lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and definite, and will only share such personal information on an as-needed basis for the provision of services. Our partners do not have the right to use the shared personal information for any other purposes.
2. We will publicly disclose your personal information ONLY in the following situations:
(1) After obtaining your explicit consent;
(2) Legal disclosure: Should we be legally required to comply with subpoenas or other
legal procedures, litigations, or mandatory requirements of government authorities, we may disclose your personal information if we sincerely believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your or other's safety, investigate fraud or respond to government requests.

VI. How We Protect Your Personal Information

We have taken reasonable steps and have adopted technical and security measures that are in line with industry standards to protect the personal information you provide, and to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of the data. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information, including:

(1) We use technological means such as SSL to encrypt many services. We will regularly examine our practices in information collection, storage, and processing (including physical security measures) to protect the systems from unauthorized access.

(2) We will authorize NQC employees and personnel of third parties who need to know such information on a “need to know basis” for assisting us in processing the personal information and the personnel of the companies authorized to process such information on our behalf to access personal information. Such employees or personnel are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.

(3) The security of your information means a great deal to us. Therefore, we will continue our efforts to protect your personal information and implement safeguard measures, such as providing full encryption for information storage and transmission, to prevent your information from unauthorized access, usage or disclosure. For certain specific contents of encrypted data, no one has the right to access them except the user.

(4) We will adopt encryption and other security measures to transmit and store your personal information of particular types; and we will use all reasonable technical measures to store your personal information.

In the event of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the following: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for your self-protection and risk mitigation, remedies for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the incident by email, letter, phone, push notification, or other means. When it is difficult to inform each subject of personal information individually, we will issue announcements in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will also actively report the disposal of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

VII. Your Rights to Your Personal Information

NQC respects your rights with regards to your personal information. Below are the rights that you have under laws, and how we will protect those rights. Please note that for the sake of security, we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request. In principle, we do not charge a fee if the request is reasonable. However, for multiple and repetitive requests that exceed the reasonable limit, we will charge a certain fee to cover the costs according to the situation. We may refuse requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means (for example, require the development of new systems or fundamentally changing existing practices), pose risks to the lawful rights and interests of others, or are manifestly unrealistic. In addition, we may not be able to respond to your request if it directly concerns national security, national defense security, public health, criminal investigations, and other matters directly related to the public interest, or may cause serious damage to the legitimate rights of you or other individuals or organizations.

  • Right to Be Informed:

NQC publishes this Privacy Policy to let you know how we handle your personal information. We are committed to using your information in a transparent manner.

  • Right to access:

If you want to exercise your right to access data, you can sign in to your account to access the information you provided with us.

  • Right to Withdraw Consent:

Each business function requires some basic personal information (see Section III "How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information" of this policy). You may give or withdraw your authorization and consent at any time for the collection and use of additional personal information that we collected. If you withdraw your authorization and consent, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the service corresponding to the withdrawn consent or authorization.

After you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information, but your decision to withdraw the consent will not affect the personal information that has been processed previously based on your authorization. You may change the scope of your authorizing us to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting the information, turning off the device, etc.

VIII. How We Handle Personal Information of Children

  • Our products, websites, and services are mainly for adults. Without the consent of their parents or guardians, children (under18 years of age or the similar minimum age set by the relevant jurisdictions) are not allowed to create their own user accounts. In the case of collecting personal information of children with the consent of their parents, we will only use or publicly disclose this information with the permission of the law, the explicit consent of their parents or guardians, or when necessary for the protection of the children.

  • If we find that we have collected the personal information of a child without having obtained an expressed and verifiable parental consent, we will attempt to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

IX. Third-Party Service Providers and Their Services

The websites, products, apps, and services of NQC may contain links to third-party websites, products, and services that are not subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. These third-party sites may have their own terms and conditions and privacy notices which you should review before using such sites. You may choose whether to access or accept the websites, products, and services offered by third parties. We are not responsible for the content of links or third party sites, your use of such third party sites is at your own risk.

Products like cloud services and accounts are provided by Bravo Unicorn Pte Ltd (HeyTap) or other third parties. NQC has no control over such third parties' privacy and data protection policies as such third parties are not bound by this Policy.

Before you submit your personal information to these third parties, please refer to the privacy policies of these third parties.

X. How Your Personal Information Is Transferred Across Borders

NQC has a global business and our operations are spread around the world.. ​Since we use resources and servers all over the world to provide the products or services, We may transfer or access your personal information from overseas jurisdictions in the countries/regions where you use the products or services, following compliance with local laws and regulations and your authorization. We will take measures to ensure that the data we collect is processed in accordance with this Policy and applicable laws and that your personal information is adequately and equally protected as it is within the territory of your country/region. We will seek your consent to move personal information across borders, implement security measures such as encryption or de-identification prior to cross-border data transfer, or sign necessary data transfer/sharing agreements with the data received according to the requirements.

XI. How This Privacy Policy Is Updated

We reserve the right to update or modify this policy from time to time. It is important that you check back often for updates to the Privacy Policy. We may update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect changes with respect to the Services or changes in applicable law. For major changes to the Privacy Policy, We will send you notification of updates or post a notice on our website.

This Privacy Policy is subject to adjustments, but without your express consent, we will not diminish your rights under this Privacy Policy.

The products and services of NQC referenced herein are subject to changes depending on the phone models and system versions you use or requirements of local laws and regulations. The final products and services shall be the products and services in the phones and systems you use.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Terms of Use please contact us at the address: